Basics of Carpet Care
Get to know the basics of carpet care.
Read the following to get a well rounded perspective on issues that have an affect on commercial carpet maintenance.
Facility managers face different issues around maintenance.
- Indoor air quality.
- Safety.
- Product damage.
- Appearance.
- Scheduling.
- Budgets.
- Other health concerns.
Proper maintenance will:
- Improve indoor air quality.
- Improve carpet appearance.
- Improve facility appearance.
- Extend the life of your investment.
Problems include:
- Poor indoor air quality.
- Inadequate removal of soil.
- Recurring spills and stains.
- Product destruction.
- Poor overall appearance.
Four steps to improvement:
- Prevention (Barrier system).
- Proper product selection.
- Regular vacuuming.
- A maintenance program.
Factors affecting carpet performance:
- Fiber & construction.
- Pattern & color selection.
- Installation.
- Maintenance schedule.
- Maintenance system & the people who perform the work.
Soil is the chief problem:
- It is tracked in.
- Deposited from the air.
- Brought in by other methods.
- Prevention (it is easier to keep dirt out than to remove it):
- Clean sidewalks and entrance ways.
- Use effective walk off systems.
- Vacuum regularly.
- Food/beverage restrictions.
- HVAC maintenance.
Vacuuming is the best form of maintenance
- Vacuum regularly.
- Select appropriate equipment.
- Keep equipment well maintained.
Effective maintenance systems extend the life of the investment
- Use methods that will not cause resoiling.
- Skill & technology go hand-in-hand.
- Provider should be trained in indoor air quality and use only products that are safe and effective.
- Provider should be certified.
- Unless it is removed, soil will discolor and eventually destroy any carpet.
Soil has tiny hard, razor-sharp edges that can pierce a carpet fiber.
Fact: The longer carpet lasts, the less it costs.
Fact: Regular maintenance makes carpet last longer.
Fact: Carpet costs less to maintain than other types of floorcoverings.
Fact: Good environmental sense = good business sense.
Fact: Soil is a destructive force.
The soil that does the most damage is the soil you can’t see
- Advantage of carpet is that it can look good on the surface, but can hide the worst conditions.
- Soil ground in below the surface is hidden or may not be visible.
- Unless hidden soil is removed it will continue to attract more soil.
- Sharp abrasive particles and friction (foot traffic) will flatten carpet tufts.
A planned consistent maintenance program will:
- Remove abrasive particles before they damage fibers.
- Result in the carpet retaining it’s original appearance longer.
- Reduce cost.
Where soil comes from:
- Tracked in from sidewalks, parking lots, or from the street.
- Airborne (the same pollutants that are found outdoors work their way inside).
- Spills (they occur wherever you find people).
Variables that effect soiling:
- Types of soil may vary.
- Traffic patterns and traffic volume.
- The carpet you specify.
Carpet selection is important for long term appearance:
- Choose the correct color/pattern.
- Choose the right construction.
- Insist on soil resistant treatments.